This shawl is made from lots of different handspun yarn, that I had spun up in the past. Using them randomly like this in a big shawl is a perfect way to create something beautiful and useful.

This shawl was made while I was traveling to visit my son on Gotland. I started it on one trip I made in the springtime but I accturly didn’t finish it on that trip. When we went back again in the autumn I brought it out and finished it. This is why I call it the Traveler shawl.

The shawl is very easy to knit, just knit stitches, with a 5 stitch stripe in the middle. I increased on one side, ( front) both on the edges and on the middle, the other side, (back) only on the edges. This way you are creating a wider shawl, building on the edges more than on the depth.

I tryed to do the stripes as randomly as I could, sometimes it can be hard to be spontaneous. I think I used a 5 mm needle and my handspun yarn normaly ends up being around 250-300 meters/ 100 grams.
To give it a nice ending I knitted a lace boarder. The one I used for my shawl is from ”TheHansel hap” by Gudrun Johnston,, but any lace boarder would look fine I think. It just binds it all together so well.

The first photos was taken on Gotland when I just finished it. I also made a matching pair of Pebble mitts, witch is one of my free patterns.
This is a free lace boarder that I found on Youtube