Together with my new logo for 2021 I have also decided to start up a patreon site. This will be a place to support my work in a more regular way if you want to.
This year I started up Ciasbod as a company with a small webbshop here on my website, I have also been working a lot with my podcasting. There is of course my knitting podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCadjhShw4le-9w0tr4nWxNQ but also my Chanel about my Slow life in Sweden https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=a+slow+life+in+sweden.
Because of this I have been able to work less hours at my nightshifts, witch has been really good for my health. By starting this Patreon site I am hoping to keep on growing Ciasbod and slowly doing less and less nightshifts.
I have set up 4 levels of support to choose from, and for now you will receive the same content at each level. That might change in the future 🙂
I am so happy for your support and it would mean so much to me if you want to join in.
/ Cia
Dear Cia,
Health is the most important thing in life. I Hope this wil be the right choice for you. Will this mean your podcasts will no longer be seen via Youtube?
Thank you, in the beginning everything will stay the same. I know I have to make changes in my life to feel better and my nightshifts are definitely one of those things that has to change.
I am so grateful for your support / Cia