I am now on Patron


Together with my new logo for 2021 I have also decided to start up a patreon site. This will be a place to support my work in a more regular way if you want to.

This year I started up Ciasbod as a company with a small webbshop here on my website, I have also been working a lot with my podcasting. There is of course my knitting podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCadjhShw4le-9w0tr4nWxNQ but also my Chanel about my Slow life in Sweden https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=a+slow+life+in+sweden.

Because of this I have been able to work less hours at my nightshifts, witch has been really good for my health. By starting this Patreon site I am hoping to keep on growing Ciasbod and slowly doing less and less nightshifts.

I have set up 4 levels of support to choose from, and for now you will receive the same content at each level. That might change in the future 🙂

I am so happy for your support and it would mean so much to me if you want to join in.

/ Cia

Det här inlägget postades i Blogg och har märkts med etiketterna , . Bokmärk permalänken.

2 svar på I am now on Patron

  1. astrid skriver:

    Dear Cia,

    Health is the most important thing in life. I Hope this wil be the right choice for you. Will this mean your podcasts will no longer be seen via Youtube?

    • cia skriver:

      Thank you, in the beginning everything will stay the same. I know I have to make changes in my life to feel better and my nightshifts are definitely one of those things that has to change.
      I am so grateful for your support / Cia

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