January sock

The first sock pattern we will be knitting is ”On the fence” by Anna Lange


Her Youtube canal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3NP01KSC9Hk6XhfBvHGm1g

Instagram – @caledonianna

Sponsors for January are the Swedish yarn company Järbogarn  https://www.jarbo.se/sv/garn.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAjrXxBRAPEiwAiM3DQrfGw1WNP0B2Ti0Pz-yiriQyFwLtic2FSPi-nJeKR1Q_n7cAR6UfphoCQiAQAvD_BwE who is donating a yarn kit for my new sock design https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/spring-heart-socks plus a printed copy of the pattern in one of my Ciasbod projectbags.

I will also give all of you who took part in the January freesocks2020 a free copy of my Spring Heart socks pattern with the code Freesocks2020. The code is good to use until 14 februari 2020.

Winner will be announced in the beginning of February.

The winner of January #freesocks2020

Congratulations to ”Koetje” ( Ravelryname) who is the winner of the January price, sponsored by the swedish company ”Järbogarn” https://www.jarbo.se/sv/garn.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4NTxBRDxARIsAHyp6gA3G2aybG_LnUuqF5mbmXXlfQazYxAWTu2idB-JE7EG6WUxBpNg2foaAkRwEALw_wcB

Det här inlägget postades i #freesocks2020 och har märkts med etiketterna , , . Bokmärk permalänken.

3 svar på January sock

  1. Anne skriver:

    This is gonna be SO great 😉
    I’m having lots of fun already.

  2. Emeline skriver:

    Thank you very much for the pattern, that’s very kind of you :o)

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